Champions Play-offs
Purpose: Your gateway into Champions Finals
As a gateway into Champions Finals, we’re looking to reduce the role that Play-offs play each week. In FC 25 we’re lowering the number of games needed to qualify for Finals to 3 out 5 wins, down from 4 out of 10 for FC 24. Reducing the number of games will make each Play-offs match feel competitive with more on the line, helping in 2 key ways:
For players of a higher skill level, it’ll make the process of qualifying for Finals faster.
For players of a lower skill level, it’ll make Play-offs a better reflection of your Finals experience, ensuring that you’ll only qualify for Champions Finals once you are ready to be competitive.
To help facilitate the above we’re making first-time Play-Off Qualification more challenging vs FC 24. For players in lower Rivals Divisions, Play-Off Qualification will feel like a major milestone, whereas players in higher Divisions will consistently be able to jump into the Play-offs each week. In addition, with Play-offs being harder compared to last year, you’ll have 10 additional attempts each season to enter into Play-offs, bringing the total seasonal entries to 18.
For some players, Play-offs was a popular arena each week to experiment with new teams and players. As we reflect on all of our modes, we think that the matchmaking changes announced for Live Friendlies will better meet this need in FC 25 (more on this below).
Purpose: The pinnacle of high-stakes competition
The changes to Play-offs will mean that the average skill of Champions Finals players will increase year on year. With this increased level of competition, top finishes in Champions Finals will earn you significantly improved rewards compared to FC 24.
We’ll also be looking to better differentiate the types of rewards you see in Champions & Rivals to help the modes feel unique. As an example of the changes you can expect, below you can see the Season 1 rewards for players who achieve Rank 1 in Champions Finals:
200,000 Ultimate Team Coins
Tradeable 85+ x10 Players Pack
Tradeable 84+ x10 Players Pack
Untradable Base Icon Pack
Untradable 89+ x2 Players Pack
Untradable 82+ x30 Players Pack
Three Tradeable TOTW x3 Players Pack
In addition, we want to provide our best performing players with more ways to show off their achievements in-game. One way that players will be able to do this is through seasonally exclusive Club Customization options that are only available to players who finish in the highest Champions Finals ranks. In Season 1, those rewards will be:
Club Nickname: "Invincibles" (Rank 1 Exclusive)
Celebration: "Flex" (Ranks 1-3 Exclusive)
EA SPORTS FC 25 Pitch Notes - Flex Celebration
Similar to Play-Offs, we’ll be reducing the total number of matches by 5 which will help raise the stakes of each match and reduce the amount of time needed to finish a Champions run.
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